30 octobre 2005

in english

English version now. It’s going to be shorter, if you want more details try to understand the French story I give a link of a good dictionary !!!
So I arrive in Sydney last Thursday after 26 hours plane and two stops, in Dubai where the atmosphere was heavy and hard to support when you come from the 12° of lorient! In this plane, I’ve got the best place, just near the window, rear of a security door (i.e.: place for the legs…) The airport is totally opposite of CDG (Paris airport). One is grey, concrete and cold, the other one is luxurious, clean, luminous, impossible to compare. There I change my A330 against a B777 (I travel with emirates) and after 3 hours stop, land up again for 6h40 to Bangkok. When we arrive there it was dark and it was raining. So I decide to stay in the plane (no change). Then I land up again for 9h to Sydney. I sleep during all this part of the journey, so we land in syd at 7h45, under a blue sky, and already 22°. One hour later, I have passed the toll, have my rucksacks back, and absolutely don’t want to sleep !! John Hearne of the Sydney Doyle loft was waiting for me at the airport. He drives me in Somersby (where I work) about 80km north of Sydney. For people who know Australia, it’s not far from gosford in the middle between, Syd and Newcastle. We took the Pacific Highway (north direction), cross Syd (the airport is south of Sydney), see for the first time of my life lots of Sky towers, but nothing more of the city because we took the tunnel and not the harbour bridge. When the road gets out of the suburbs, it continue in a sort of eucalyptus forest. I was surprise by the relief, I was expecting a flat country but it’s quiet like in the Alps !! One hour a half later we arrives in Somersby, in the loft. I met Mark (the people who supervise my work during my work experience), I already see him this summer during the Cowes week. He introduce me to the other people in the loft, the age average must not be really more than 25, except people in the office (that mean Mark, Lesley the account manager, Jan the secretary, Flipper (Michael Carter) the designer, and an other man. I begin to work at 1100, with the XY plotter cutter, the machine which the cut the panels which are going to be saw to make the sail. I also try to saw, but the result is not very beautiful …
After work I meet Justin, that the man who has got an accommodation for me. He works for D4, Dimension Polyant (one of the supplier for the cloth). He lives in Sydney. That suppose to drive the 80 km, morning and evening, but it’s probably better for me to live in syd the we. He lives in Abercrombie Street in Redfern, the aboriginal part of the city, near the UTS (University of technology of Sydney).
Friday I go in gosford to open an Australian bank account. I think it’s the more awful city I never see before. I don’t really know how explain, but it looks like the city in the old American western. The only one difference I see is on the road, it’s a brand new concrete. All the building are in tole (I don’t know the English word: it’s a thin piece of metal) . Hopefully, there is a beautiful bay.
I spend my first we in the city. Yesterday (yellow in the map), Justin show me the most important things to see in syd and the easy way to go in the city (about 10min walk). It was a very hot day, and I have my first sun burns with the rucksack mark! I was expecting for a beautiful harbour bridge and opera house but I think we see to much photos with the sun and from the air, I don’t find tem exceptional. But on the other hand I really appreciate the botanic garden with lots of different sort of Australian trees, flowers, and birds. We then go and have a beer at the CYCA (Cruising yacht club of Australia), it’s really good to drink something cold, when you walk during half a day under the sun !!! I have a look on the boats on the harbour, the new Alfa Romeo, Brindabella, Hollywood bd (Formula Rig…) We go back home with the train (about 10 min).
Today, rain all the day. I “visit” the shopping centers, that’s not the things I prefer but I don’t find something other to do… I have a quick walk in the darling harbour (in purple on the map). I don’t find something exceptional, maybe next time??
I’m also going to try to find a boat to sail next we but like habitually, I’m gonna go in the pontoon and ask for a crew place, it work in Europe, why not in Australia !! If I can I search a place for the Sydney-Hobart race, everybody said it’s a very hard race but I want to try. I know it’s maybe not the first offshore race to do, but I’m motivated, anyway the aim for me is not to win, but to sail and to arrive alive in Hobart, it could be a good way to visit an other part of Australia!

Later for more, have nice time.
Emilie x

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