17 octobre 2005

travail travail

C'est un peu bizarre, dans mon esprit l'australie represente plutot les vacances (meme si je sais que j'y vais pour travailler), mais à en croire ce mail ils en attendent pas mal de moi :

"good to see all is sorted. I think we will also have one of the designersfrom Marblehead over for a couple of weeks in December to help as well.Our designer is very busy at the moment and having trouble keeping up. Atthe moment we are trying really hard to fix the system so it is easier forus to train up designers. We get a lot of sail orders from other Doyle loftsbecause they like our designs so It is very important for us to keep thesame standards. We just need more than 1 designer all the time.I will arrange to pick you up from the Airport. If I cant make it I willsend someone with a sign.Please just email me a couple of days before so I don't forget. I have a lotof projects on at the moment.See you on the 25th.Mark"

J'ai donc pas interêt à les decvoir, si je veux y retourner plus tard !!

a+ pour+

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