08 décembre 2005

In English

Hi evrybody!

So I hope you understand I'm now in Australia. The temperature round about 30°C (or more) during the last 5 days. Before there was storm evry days, and quite lots of rain.

I have some rides in a 18' (see photos in the previous posts). I'm very lucky to sail on such boats, it changes of all I use to sail.
I'm also looking for a boat for the Hobart race. If someone eard about something, CONTACT ME!

The next week end is the Christmas Party of Doyle in Gosford (in the central coast of Australia) in a restaurant. The peoples from the Sydney's loft would propably will be there as well.

I don't know if there lots a people who doesn't understand French, and read my blog. So I could write more in English if some people ask me... :) It's a good training for me.

Just let a comment in a message or in the mini-chat.

Later 4 more.

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