01 décembre 2005

le journal, les journaux

Voila un petit résumé de la journée de samedi dernier que j'ai trouvé à cette adresse et il est meme paru aussi sur le site de Yacht and yachting!

Dramatic wipeouts gives Boyd the 18 footer win
Sydney Flying Squadron’s high powered 18 foot skiff fleet was beaten in its first Sprint Series virtually by the weather alone. Most of the fleet selected the massive #1 rig that is usually used only in light to medium wind strengths, and were caught out when a late North Easterly change brought strong 20 knot winds or more.
Most competitors failed to complete the course with either damage or simply choosing discretion before valor and retiring.
Intercall, campaigned by Canadian 49er sailors Matt Dubreucq and Geoff Gales hosted French sailor Emilie Petitbon for her first ride on an 18 footer. The extra light weight team went out to the course area early to warm up and it looked like their efforts would pay off.
But it was the French Canadian connection that offered the most spectacular crash of the day when Dubreucq misjudged the power generated when these craft get hit by gusts, and put Intercall into a massive nose dive that put crew Gales through the mainsail and Petitbon through the jib. Torn sails meant for a return trip to the club and an early shower.
Michael Boyd’s Sydney Star Accommodation scored an assertive win in the event, but not without some dramatic moments of his own during the start sequence.
Sydney Flying Squadron 18 Foot SkiffsSprint Series Week One
Boyd was engaged in an incident with a Laser that resulted in the Laser skipper being knocked from his boat and having a swim, Boyd’s own forward hand being going overboard from the 18 and ending up on the Laser. Boyd and sheet hand Steve Face sailed the 18 footer two handed whilst waiting for each sailor to return to their original boat.
There was no damage or injuries, and Boyd managed to retrieve his crew and hit the start on time and at speed.
After the start Sydney Star Accommodation asserted a small lead on Michael Carter’s Synergy, and once having that small opening, Boyd defensively covered Carter every step of the race. In recent weeks tactical lapses have allowed Carter to regain a lead and then not be pulled back, but Boyd had learned enough in those races the importance of shutting Carter down early.
The second reversal of fortunes for Carter was when a mistake on his part led to a capsize only seconds from the finish line, which allowed Ian Pretty’s Wentworth Courier Sydney Weekly to take second place.

.Sydney Star Accommodation (M Boyd)2.Wentworth Courier Sydney Weekly (I Pretty)3.Synergy! (M Carter)4.Frame Group (C Doran)5.Austar (C Kameen)*6.Ella Bache (A Dunphy)*7.Intercall (M Dubreucq)*8.Avaya (M Rynan)*9.Sign-a-Rama (S Merrington)*10.Dinghy Solutions (R Scarr)** did not finish

Pourvu qu'il y ai de meilleurs commentaires à propos de moi la semaine prochaine en 12' !!!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

La renommée...internationale, qui plus est, ne commence pas forcément par des éloges, Le principal étant d'être connue et citée. les premières marches sont toujours dures à gravir, mais après...ce doit être le firmament.
Bon stop, je parle de choses que je ne connais pas.

Emilie a dit…

On va dire ca comme ca... N'empeche qu'un gars me propose d'essayer (enfin parce que je lui ai demandé quand meme) son Moth International, duquel descend nos europe, TROP COOL encore une fois! Je lui ai dit non pour ce samedi mais je le recontacterais d'ici peu c'est sur !!
En tout cas c'est sur que cet article a fait le tour du monde, je ne savais meme pas qu'il existait c'est des francais qui me l'ont dit !!!
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